Currently under development

This project is currently under active development. We are open to commmunity feedback and will be seeking testers in the near future. If you would like to contribute to the direction of this project, feel free to contact me.

kiyânaw App

kiyânaw is a platform for building community-driven language bundles. Any learner with a phone can now collect words and phrases and contribute them to the community-moderated pool. New languages or dialects can added easily.

Phrase oriented

The kiyânaw App seeks to fill that 'intermediate' gap by focusing on the collection of phrases with audio. Phrase-based learning, especially self-directed, allows learners to incorporate useful language into their day-to-day, slowly building up towards fluency.
Phrase-oriented learning

Learner driven

Learners can request answers from language keepers, contributing to the overall pool of phrases. Learner questions initially go into a question pool, hidden from the general list of responses, and can be elevated into the public pool of responses if they do not exist. Questions that have already been answered will be linked to existing answers to reduce duplication.
Learners can submit questions

Your custom playlist

At the heart of the kiyânaw app is your playlist. Add audio from phrases that have been contributed to the app to your playlist, and rotate in new phrases to fit your learning curve. Missing a phrase? Submit a new question for the specific sentence you are looking for.
Build a personal playlist of phrases


Learners can request answers from language keepers, contributing to the overall pool of phrases. Learner questions initially go into a question pool, hidden from the general list of responses, and can be elevated into the public pool of responses if they do not exist. Questions that have already been answered will be linked to existing answers to reduce duplication.
Search the phrase pool

Multi-language, multi-dialect

The kiyânaw App platform is designed to support any language or dialect. Received funding for a new app? Download the list of published phrases from a nearby dialect or language and spend 100% of your funding on recording audio from fluent speakers for your language or dialect.
Platform designed for any language or dialect

kiyânaw App Roadmap

Current progress and upcoming features for kiyânaw App
  • Prototype
    Question submission and promotion, search, browse, playlist, favorites.

  • Published beta
    Public beta release with support for nêhiyawêwin.

  • General availability
    Public release. Multiple language support.

Support Us!

All our projects are free to use and developed solely on our free time and commmunity contributions. Every dollar donated goes towards the development of these projects, and is reported in an open fashion. We appreciate your support 🙏