Currently under development

This project is currently under active development. We are open to commmunity feedback and will be seeking testers in the near future. If you would like to contribute to the direction of this project, feel free to contact me.

kiyânaw Database

kiyânaw Database provides learner-driven deep context exploration within real-world language. By indexing content from transcriptions and other published materials, learners are able to search for words, partial words, or phrases that support their current learning context. Initially being development for nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree Y-dialect), kiyânaw Database holds the vision of being able to support learners of any Indigenous language.

High frequency words

When analysis (spell-checking) is available for a language, advanced indexing becomes possible, allowing us to keep a list of high-frequency words. Studying these lists can help to speed the advance our comprehension and fluency.
Try it now →
High frequency words

Explore in-context

Rather than just simple word lists or dictionaries, learners can explore for words within their current study domain and see & hear them used in-context. Links to existing transcriptions and other media let learners hear real language from fluent speakers, used correctly, in-context.
Example distribution for itwêw →
Search and explore in-context

Powerful search

Being able to find words, partial words, or phrases adjacent to the materials we're currently studying as learners is extremely powerful. kiyânaw Database allows for powerful partial and advanced search to support the learner's journey.
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Powerful search features

kiyânaw Database Roadmap

Current progress and upcoming features for kiyânaw Database
  • Test design & functionality
    High frequency verbs and nouns, search function, itwêwina integration, surface distribution of forms.

  • General availability
    Multi-source integration (Bloomfield, CLN), compound search functionality, english search.

  • Multi-language
    Additional language support.

Support Us!

All our projects are free to use and developed solely on our free time and commmunity contributions. Every dollar donated goes towards the development of these projects, and is reported in an open fashion. We appreciate your support 🙏